
Dear Parents and Guardians,

In-District Registration:

Students living in the Alamo City School District qualify for enrollment in our school. The district boundary lines can be checked by the bus routes that deliver students to Alamo City School. The Crockett County School District contracts with Alamo City School to provide bus transportation to our building. You can contact the Alamo City School Board of Education or the Crockett County Board of Education if you are unsure whether your address resides within the Alamo City School District.

Students currently enrolled at Alamo City School will receive new registration forms in the Spring of each year. New students residing within the district will need to come by the front office or download from this page a registration form and return it to the office.

Out-of-District Registration

Any student applying for admission who is outside of the Alamo City School District will need to complete an out-of-district form each year and submit it to the office or by email henningk@alamoschool.org . Applications are based on year-to-year availability that will be reviewed at the end of each school year. Alamo City School may not accept out-of-district students if programs/classrooms are full or current enrollment numbers and teaching capacity does not permit. Also, scholastic standards, attendance records, and/or discipline records must be satisfactory. Out-of-district students may be rejected for other just causes. The application of any student suspended or expelled from the school last attended by said student will not be accepted. 

PreK Registration:

Students who are 4 years old on or before August 15th are eligible to apply for PreK. Students who are 5 years old on or before August 15th will need to register for Kindergarten. There is a PreK registration day each Spring where you can come to the school and get all paperwork filled out and all screenings completed prior to enrollment in the Fall. Be on the lookout on our Social Media pages for this date and more information.

Thanks for all you do to support our teachers and school!


Kelsie D. Henning

Principal Alamo Elementary School

"A Tradition of Excellence"
